Farming IOT system
Remotely connect to the climate controller for various
functionaloperations without limits by locations
Basic function of Farming IOT system
Date reportData
collection Event sourcing
Phone SMS alarm
Real-time monitoring
Emergency ventilation
Continuous optimization
Remote setup and diagnostics
iEC Environment Controller
1.More security with dual system,the independent design of control system and human-computer interaction
2.More security with dual power supply
3. Strong anti-interference ability and high stability with power-level electromagnetic compatibility design
4. Free to set the relay function to meet the needs of various power equipment configuration and combination schemes
5.Adaptive ventilation algorithm, smooth ventilation in the house to avoid stress
6. Effectively extending the lifespan of the fan with fan rotation algorithm,
7. Comfortable temperature with air cooling effect algorithm
8.Reduce maintenance costs and effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic by remote and on-site centralized settings
9.Remote and field centralized diagnosis can solve problems in a timely manner and ensure the optimal operating state of the system
10.New function update in time by remote upgrade
11.Strong scalability to satisfy users to access various non-standard sensors and equipment
12. Easy to operate with graphical interface
13.Support batch import and export of controller parameters, which is convenient for batch installation
14. Historical data is accurate to every minute, and the equipment operations can be accurately viewed
15.Built-in professional wired & wireless networking for iEC seriesclimate controller
16.Multiple dampers, small windows and heating zones for different requirements
17.Support both site networking and cloud networking, and site networking mode does not require Internet support
18.Site centralized alarm and large-screen routine board support both
iEC climate controller App
Ai6000 Central Alarm Controller
iEC climate controller PC applications
Support both Site networking andcloud networking modes
智能水线管理系统是朗锐恒公司在畜牧行业中经过多年的积累,深入参与行业实践后,总结开发出的一套智能系统。可以完成禽类饲养过程中水线的自动冲洗保洁、自动加药、缺水报警等主要功能,节约了大量的人力物力;在完成全自动的场景下,充分考虑了现场使用情况,所有功能人工可干预。为了适应用户的现场需求,本系统提供分布式和集中式两种主要形态。· 分布式水线系统分布式系统中在栏舍的头端提供独立的水线冲洗接线盒,在... |
鸡舍环控器温度传感器的校准步骤相当简单:1.把一个18.9L(5gallon)的水桶倒入差不多一半的水,理想情况下,水温应该尽量接近舍内温度,但温度并不是一个必须条件。2.用高精度温度计测量水温,记录水温。3.把水桶提到鸡舍内的需要检测的第一个温度传感器附近,把温度传感器插入水中。4.等一分钟,然后检查环控器上显示到的温度是否与所测得水温相同。如果差值为0.6℃(1℉)或者更多,就把环控器温... |
判断一个环控器温度传感器读数是否准确的最佳方法是什么呢?最重要的是不能使用红外测温仪或者非接触式温度计来检测一个环控器的温度传感器的准确的。红外测温仪能够测量物体表面的温度,而不能测量空气温度。如果你将红外测温仪对准温度传感器,你测量的可能是温度传感器后面的地面后房顶温度而不是温度传感器的表面温度。此外,红外测温仪的测量精度通常是±1.7℃(±3℉),比你要检查的温度传感器的精确度低的多。(... |
为了让鸡舍环控器准确地维持所需的环境,环控器用来确定如何操作风机、加热器、湿帘等的环境信息需要尽可能准确。一个典型的环控器主要检测舍内的温度和负压,尽管在某些情况下也会检测相对湿度、风速和舍外温度。在这些变量中,空气温度通常是最重要的参数。精准的测量舍内温度不仅对最优化鸡的生产性能重要,而且也对保持最低的运营成本很重要。在雏鸡进鸡舍后的几天,雏鸡对温度非常敏感,即便是舍内温度出现轻微的变化。... |
1► 环控器电源线L、N、E三根线,L和N 从主控柜接线端子接线,环控器地线E单独接地,不能与其他配电箱地线连接在一起,主控柜接地与环控器接地分开做,接地电阻4Ω。2►调光模拟量0-10V控制线,从环控器至主控柜单独用2×0.5m㎡屏蔽线接至调光器输入端接线端子,可走线槽。3 ►电子式二次报警器接线,从主控柜接线端子‘二次报警+’极接线到高低温控制器DC12+,主控柜端子排‘喇叭-’接线到高... |
物联网就是物物相连的网络,其通过传感器、射频识别及定位系统等信息传感设备,把物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息通讯及交换,实现智能化识别、跟踪、定位、监控及管理的一种新型技术。而畜牧业物联网,可以看成是物联网在畜牧业中的应用技术,物联网+畜牧管理,必将让畜牧业在繁育、环境、饲养、疫病、质量追溯等各个方面,都发生革命性的变革,传统的养殖技术和管理经验将被精准化的养殖管理体系和信息化的经营模式所取代... |
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